Entrepreneurs tend to be arrogant. This sounds rather like a criticism, but it’s more a statement of fact and a caution.
Tagged: team
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The Perfect Entrepreneurial T-E-A-M [Infographic]
Investors look for the right team with a great product, knowing that the great product will never come to market if the team is not right. So the perfect entrepreneurial team needs to possess certain technical capacities, such as finance, marketing, engineering, design, and operations. However, it also needs to possess the right personalities that mesh well with one another in a startup setting.
What 23 Years in the Military Taught Me About How to Run A Business
The military has developed a procedure for developing a plan, analyzing it and making a decision- the MET-T analysis is an effective, efficient way to evaluate your business and accomplish objectives.
Dream Team Retention Recipe – 10 Ingredients to Keep the Team Together and the Dream Alive
Why are your top performers starting to leave? Do NOT read this article if you are building a commodity based business. If, however, you are establishing a dynamic, visionary organization…
9 Constituents Investors Want To Talk To Before Funding Your Startup [Infographic]
The purpose of discussions with these constituents begins with validation but ultimately includes the potential of funding your startup.
3 Ways to Kill Your Company [Infographic]
There are infinite ways for startups to fail. While some factors may be out of your hands, entrepreneurs do have control over the success of the startup. Are you unknowingly on your way to kill your company?