14 Types of Information Investors May Request as Part Of Their Due Diligence Checklist for Your Startup [Infographic]

Investors Due Diligence

Experienced entrepreneurs know that they are preparing for the investors due diligence from the very beginning. They establish a process that supports the development and growth of their investable company. In order to begin that process, you must know what the investors will request and why they are requesting it.

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Investors Due Diligence

Looking for Investors?

Don’t procrastinate preparing for funding! You should be collecting materials as your startup grows. Address and review the legal structures and documents needed to launch a startup. Understand that investors may want to see your process development. This includes discussions and reference checks with a broad base of the start-ups’ constituents. Finally, keep track of your startup debt as this could drastically impair your ability to receive funding.

Infographic edited by Rebecca Cox

Dave Clark