Ithaca may be a small area, but it’s a robust environment for entrepreneurs with close proximity to Cornell University.

Ithaca may be a small area, but it’s a robust environment for entrepreneurs with close proximity to Cornell University.
Due to its location near railroad crossings, the Binghamton area has a long history as a manufacturing center and economic hub for the region, leading to it being nicknamed “Valley of Opportunity.”
Nicknamed the “Heart of New York,” Syracuse has morphed from a major manufacturing city to a growing center for entrepreneurship, especially for students.
Buffalo, NY, named after the nearby Buffalo Creek, is New York’s second-largest city and perhaps the major connection point between the United States and Canada. Nicknamed “the City of Light” for its early adoption of electricity, that entrepreneurial and enterprising spirit carries on to this day.
New York is a city by many names – The Big Apple, The Concrete Jungle, The City That Never Sleeps, and many more monikers. Not only is it the largest metropolitan area in the United States, it’s also known as the #1 city for female entrepreneurs and the #7 best city for startup activity.