The entrepreneur dictionary for startups contains terms and definitions commonly used by entrepreneurs, investors, accelerators, and others who interact with startup ventures and startup financing.
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GA -
Google Analytics
GC -
General Counsel
General Partner -
(GP) The partner in a limited partnership responsible for all management decisions of the partnership. The GP has a fiduciary responsibility to act for the benefit of the limited partners (LPs) and is fully liable for its actions.3
General Solicitation -
When a private company publicly seeks investors in connection with an equity offering. Previously prohibited by US securities law, now permissible under certain conditions according to the JOBS Act of 2012.7
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles -
The common set of accounting principles, standards, and procedures. GAAP is a combination of authoritative standards set by standard-setting bodies as well as accepted ways of doing accounting.3
Global Entrepreneurship Week
Gross Merchandise Value
Golden Handcuffs -
This occurs when an employee is required to relinquish unvested stock when terminating his employment contract early.3
Golden Parachute -
Employment contract of upper management that provides a large payout upon the occurrence of certain control transactions, such as a certain percentage share purchase by an outside entity or when there is a tender offer for a certain percentage of a company’s shares. This is discussed in more detail at the Executive Employment Agreement.3
Golden Rule -
The investor with the gold, makes the rules. (The same meaning as "those who bring the money drive the bus"; i.e., forget whatever any previous contracts say, if you need money and only one source is willing to supply it, you'll take the money on their terms, period.)7
Grant -
Money provided by a government agency or other organization that does not need to be repaid and does not purchase equity.7
- Source: Crowdfunding Professional Association website
- Source: 37 Angels website
- Source: Angel Capital Association website
- Source: Go4Funding website
- Source: FundingPost website
- Source: FundingSage, LLC
- Source: Angel Investing, by David S. Rose
- Source: Institutional Limited Partners Association website
- Source: Venture Choice website